SpeakUp Ventures
Full Stack Web Developer
June 2024 • Current
NextJS • PostgreSQL
SpeakUp Ventures web app home page
I met the founder of SpeakUp Ventures at a networking event, and he was looking for someone to help create the web app for his startup. Speakup Ventures is an entrepreneurship program targeted towards Asians, teaching them how to create ideas and market to others. Since the founder was busy planning events and lectures for his students, I built almost the entire web app, including a profile login system, allowing students to contact mentors throughout the program.
Hubba Streaming Service
Frontend Developer
February 2024 • June 2024
TypeScript • React • Flask
Hubba web app login page
Some upperclassmen reached out to me for help with their senior capstone project. It was a web app that centralized creators on many different streaming platforms, such as YouTube, Twitch, and Kick. Additionally, the platform supported in-person events and organizations, but was discontinued once the upperclassmen graduated. I was one of the main frontend developers, in particular constructing the user profile settings and events pages.
Malaria Diagnosis CNN
Personal Project // AI Engineer
December 2023 • February 2024
TensorFlow • W&B MLOps
Malaria diagnosis convolutional neural network accuracy metric
I got bored in the second semester of freshman year college and found an online AI course to follow. It walked me through the basics of AI, starting from linear regression models to convolutional neural nets to data engineering and MLOps with Weights and Biases and TensorBoard by creating a CNN that can detect whether a cell has been infected with malaria or not.

My best iteration of the model hit 93% accuracy.
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